Cyberagentur extends funding for phase 3

05. September 2024

On August 20, we presented our results of the second phase of the Cyberagentur’s HSK call. We received a lot of positive feedback and got attention from other government agencies. We are happy to announce that we made it to the next phase and will receive 10 million in funding over the next three years to pave the way for securing critical infrastructures. We are thrilled, excited, and humbled to have made it through despite the intense competition in this call. We also want to acknowledge that we are deeply grateful for the support of all contributors who have been instrumental in our success.

Our project aims to increase the resilience and sovereignty of critical infrastructures through open hardware, confidential computing, and the consequent use of as well as contribution to open-source software. The goal is to bring a holistic approach to cyber security so that attacks can be detected and prevented early on.