Presentation of paper at ARES PCSCI Workshop

05. August 2024

On July 30, 2024, at the International Workshop on Physical and Cyber Security in Interdependent Critical Infrastructures (PCSCI), which is an EU Projects Symposium Workshop held with the 19th ARES Conference 2024 in Vienna, Austria, our team member, Dr. Anum Talpur, presented the vision of our project SOVEREIGN.

The event gathered many researchers and experts from around the world who work in computer and information security. The PCSCI workshop, where we presented our project concept, was aimed at bringing security experts together to discuss potential solutions for tackling critical infrastructure protection. As part of our talk, we presented a novel and holistic concept of our SOVEREIGN platform that widely addresses the problem of securing critical infrastructures.

The workshop gathered a significant audience working on protecting critical infrastructures who expressed very positive feedback regarding our project, particularly highlighting the comprehensive concept and broad team of experts from industry, academia, and research institutes we have to accomplish our goals.